Iorram (Boat Song) - Gaelic and English Film Script / Sgriobt film Gàidhlig agus Beurla.

The free e-booklet below contains the full transcript of the 97 minute feature length documentary film, Iorram (Boat Song). To assist navigation, the text is divided into the onscreen minutes of this version of the film. 

Anns an leabhran seo gheibhear tàr-sgrìobhadh slàn den fhilm aithriseach fad 97 mionaidean, Iorram (Boat Song). Gus cuideachadh le stiùireadh, tha an teacsa air a bhriseadh suas gu na mionaidean air-sgrìn den tionndadh seo den fhilm. 

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